This is my complete resume reel. I received unfettered access to NFL Films. I also profiled one of the greatest football players of all time. The reel includes additional features, plus an unedited anchor segment.
Resume Reel
Part 1
Part 2
Sacramento Reel
New Century TV
This is a montage of clips from the weekly Internet television show that I hosted.
Working in Sacramento made me a better reporter because I had to dig for sports news. This reel includes a story on a motorcycle prodigy who is now in a wheelchair after a horrifying crash, a piece on why the hopes and dreams of boxing's most colorful trainer didn't come to fruition, and a story of life with a minor league baseball player who is forging ahead even though he lost both parents in the same year.
Pete Rose Piece
This is my video with Pete Rose playing touch football. At the time, Rose was the player/manager of the Cincinnati Reds. And no, he did not have a wager on this game.
Part 1
Part 2
Down The Road With The Modesto A's
I traveled throughout California with a minor league baseball team. The skipper is the heart of the team. Modesto A's manager Ted Kubiak gave me carte blanche treatment as we traveled from city to city.

Boxing is my passion. I've covered numerous World Championship fights and in the following video I document the training regimen of a World Champion.
On Frozen Pond
When I worked at FOX I did a regular segment called "On Frozen Pond." These vignettes captured the essence of the world's most exciting sport.